私は、ワールドビジョンジャパンのチャイルドスポンサーシップで、エチオピアに住む9歳の女の子のスポンサーをしています。その子に2ヶ月ほど前にクリスマスプレゼントと手紙を送りました。(*****の部分は、伏字です。) I am participating in World Vision Child Sponsorship and my child is 9 years old girl living in Ethiopia. About 2 month ago, I sent Christmas present and letter to her. (the part ***** is filter, related to personal information). 手紙 the letter. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dear T ***** Merry Christmas and Happy birthday! How are you doing these days? ********** In Catholic church, Advent of this year starts on November 28th. I'm looking forward to it very much. With this letter, I send Christmas presents to you and your siblings, and birthday presents to you. January 7th is Christmas in Ethiopia, and December ** is your 9th birthday, isn't it? The Christmas presents are a small desk calendar, six sheets of stickers, and a Christmas card. ...