I wrote WoW entries here only in Japanese at first. Because, in English, there are tons of WoW information site already and personal blogs are not popular. But I decide I'll write both in English and Japanese from now on.... as much as I can. Actually, writing entries in two languages is not easy for me, though only in Japanese or in English is not very difficult. If I write in Japanese first and write in English after that, my English gets clumsy (more than usual) . And if I write in English first and next write in Japanese, my Japanese gets clumsy too for some reason ('-') I think I'll be better after I just get used to write in this style, and I have to find more interesting things that can amuse both English-speaking people and Japanese-speaking people. 今までは、英語のWoW情報サイトなんて腐るほどあるし、日記型の英語ブログは流行らないから、WoWネタは日本語だけで十分かな~と手を抜いていたんですが・・・ やっぱりできるだけ英語と日本語両方で書いたほうがよさそうだと思うので、これからはそうします。 いや・・・日本語だけ、とか英語だけ、とかならともかく、両方書くのって意外と大変なのよ・・・どうしてもどちらかが不自然な文になってしまって。 元々...