
Showing posts from December, 2010

(English 日本語) Google Logo for New Year 2011

It had changed :-D 変わってた。 What is this...   何だろう・・・? Oh, Roman numerals? That's a good idea for setting 2011 in the logo ~ : ) あ、ローマ数字かな?2011が上手くロゴの中に入っている・・・いいアイディアだな。 M = Millennium= 1000 MM = 2000 and XI = 11   isn't it? あってる? It is read really M = mille, X = decem, I = unus. 本当はM = mille, X = decem, I = unus って読むらしい。

[World of Warcraft] (English 日本語) Intermission 2 - Feast of Winter Veil (Part 1 of 2)

About 4 days ago. When I logged on,   4日前の話。ログインしたら・・・ !!  wat the... 何・・・  I don't even see where I am (on the screen). 自分がどこにいるかもわからない('-')(画面上で) Ah, I forgot it's Christmas day! (because in Japan it was 26th yet) あ、今日はクリスマスか。(この時日本はもう26日だったので忘れてた。) だからこんなにたくさん人がいるのね。 That's why there are so many people :-D The Guild tab Level 6 and experience increased by 10%! That's great!! Level 6で、経験値10%アップ!すご~い ... Wait,   って、 WTF You killed Thorim?!! Without me????!!! OMG Thorim ↓ (Watch this video a minute before you proceed to the next sentence in the mountains!) (次の文に進む前に一分間この動画を観ましょう。) Oh my... So, Thorim is no longer.....  T_T    I'm so sad. (( jk ;-) )) そうか・・・それじゃあ、Thorimさんはもう・・・・せ、切ない・・・  Well, ok.   ・・・さて、 Let's open the presents.   プレゼント開けるか。 Did it just move? Something living?  動いた?生き物? Oh! Gnome!! Wow, he's so tiny~~~ :) うわぁ、ちっちゃい~~^_^ < be continued to Part 2... Part 2につづく > Bo...

[Sapporo: Weather] (English) Snow on the road + Temperature around zero digrees C = Hell

Icy road and the sunset (at 3:05 P.M.) Icy road in the night (at 5:33 P.M.) C...Cocytus!!!  O _ O It took twice as long to walk the same distance as usual... People dare to walk on the snow. Yes, it's very serious business...

[World of Warcraft] (English 日本語) Intermission - Stormwind City In The Early Afternoon

Anal jokes survived the Deathwing's assault. ( Previous Post; 前の記事;   [WorldOfWarcraft] (日本語) My First Day on Cataclysm /part 5 of 5 )  Digest of the last episode; The Stormwind navy cutter I was aboard was dragged into undersea by Naga and a mysterious gigantic molluscan. I was narrowly rescued from them by Erunak Stonespeaker who restored the contact with Earthen Ring main unit. Before the begining of real war, I got sleepy and went back to the city one way or another.   <前回までのあらすじ>   Nagaの陰謀(?)によって海底に引きずり込まれたStormwindの軍船。間一髪のところでEarthen Ring本隊との連絡が取れ、いよいよこれから本格的な戦いが・・・というところで 眠くなったので無理やり首都へ一時帰還。 A walk in the new graveyard inside the city. 街中に墓地ができました。 It was built at the back of the Cathedral. 大聖堂の裏が墓地に続いています。 I found something...  何かある・・・ ah... that retard's wife... ああ、 あのDQN の奥さんの墓ですか。 Is she visiting someone's grave? お嬢さん、お墓参りですか? 街中を飛び回るMountの群れを見て、ふと、そういえばFlying Skillってどうなってんのかな、と思い出す。そしてTrainerのところへ向かうことに。 Looki...

[World of Warcraft] (English 日本語) WoW Entries On My Blog

I wrote WoW entries here only in Japanese at first. Because, in English, there are tons of WoW information site already and personal blogs are not popular. But I decide I'll write both in English and Japanese from now on.... as much as I can. Actually, writing entries in two languages is not easy for me, though only in Japanese or in English is not very difficult. If I write in Japanese first and write in English after that, my English gets clumsy (more than usual) . And if I write in English first and next write in Japanese, my Japanese gets clumsy too for some reason ('-') I think I'll be better after I just get used to write in this style, and I have to find more interesting things that can amuse both English-speaking people and Japanese-speaking people. 今までは、英語のWoW情報サイトなんて腐るほどあるし、日記型の英語ブログは流行らないから、WoWネタは日本語だけで十分かな~と手を抜いていたんですが・・・ やっぱりできるだけ英語と日本語両方で書いたほうがよさそうだと思うので、これからはそうします。 いや・・・日本語だけ、とか英語だけ、とかならともかく、両方書くのって意外と大変なのよ・・・どうしてもどちらかが不自然な文になってしまって。 元々...

[Twitter] (English 日本語) Malaysia vs Indonesia and the 2010 Memories

Today I checked my twitter after a long time. 今日は久々にTwitterをチェックしました。 #loveindonesia and HATE MALAYSIA...  LOL wth is going on?   何これwwwww Well, it's between Christmas and New Year... and people have... lots of time! 年末でみんな暇なのかしら・・・ The year 2010 is passing by... 2010年が過ぎ去ろうとしている・・・

[Youtube] (English) Folk Songs for Winter Nights ~ Roud Folk Song Index #1-10

My favorite English ballad video collection on YouTube, picked up from Roud Folk Song Index from No. 1 to 10. Title List:      1.    The Wraggle-Taggle Gypsies - Andreas Scholl             (Roud #1, Child Ballads #200) ( Wikipedia (The Gypsy Laddie) )      2.  The Twa Corbies - An Drasda           (Roud #5, Child #26) ( Wikipedia (The Three Ravens) )     3.   The Three Ravens  - Andreas Scholl     4.   Long Lankin    - Fire + Ice           (Roud #6, Child #93) ( Wikipedia (Lamkin) )     5.  Sovay - Dave Swarbrick & Martin Carthy (Roud #7) ( Wikipedia )     6.  Cruel Sister - The Pentangle          ...

[Sapporo: Events] (English 日本語) Christmas Decorations In Sapporo City, 札幌のクリスマス 2010

From a shop window in Aurora Town. オーロラタウンのショーウィンドウより。 I keep here the photos of Christmas decorations of this year that I took in shopping malls around the center of Sapporo (from Sapporo Station to Odori) and Ario Sapporo. The days of shooting are December 19~24th. 私が撮影した今年の札幌中心部(札幌駅~大通り、+アリオ札幌)のクリスマスオブジェの写真を、ここにまとめて置いておきます。 撮影日は19日~24日です。 First, around Sappro Station.  まずは札幌駅周辺の写真から。 A Christmas Tree in Paseo that my camera never come into focus even though I tried again and again, for any reason. 何回撮ってもなぜかピンボケしてしまうPASEOのツリー Closer look. It has many red roses. アップで撮るとこんな感じ。 赤いバラの花がたくさんついています。 I think I took this in Paseo too. Poinsettias. この写真もパセオだったと思う。 ポインセチア。 An entrance of Stella Place. Wasn't the last year's same like this...? ステラプレイス入り口。 なーんか・・・去年もこんな感じだったような・・・ And a Tree in Stella Place. そしてステラプレイスのツリー。 Until last year, I remember they set a gorgeous tree that is so Christmas-tree-like. However, this year it...