[World of Warcraft] (English 日本語) Intermission - Stormwind City In The Early Afternoon

Anal jokes survived the Deathwing's assault.

(Previous Post; 前の記事; [WorldOfWarcraft] (日本語) My First Day on Cataclysm /part 5 of 5)

 Digest of the last episode; The Stormwind navy cutter I was aboard was dragged into undersea by Naga and a mysterious gigantic molluscan. I was narrowly rescued from them by Erunak Stonespeaker who restored the contact with Earthen Ring main unit. Before the begining of real war, I got sleepy and went back to the city one way or another.
 <前回までのあらすじ>   Nagaの陰謀(?)によって海底に引きずり込まれたStormwindの軍船。間一髪のところでEarthen Ring本隊との連絡が取れ、いよいよこれから本格的な戦いが・・・というところで眠くなったので無理やり首都へ一時帰還。

A walk in the new graveyard inside the city.

It was built at the back of the Cathedral.

I found something... 何かある・・・

ah... that retard's wife...

Is she visiting someone's grave?

街中を飛び回るMountの群れを見て、ふと、そういえばFlying Skillってどうなってんのかな、と思い出す。そしてTrainerのところへ向かうことに。

Looking at a flock of flying mounts, I remembered that I haven't checked about new Flying Skill at all. And I headed to a trainer.

Old townにあるSI:7へ・・・
The Guard said she's at SI:7....


wtf  SI:7 disappeared?!?



Perhaps, they had...




I thought Deathwing had stepped on them.

hmmm...? She tells me nothing... (I didn't take a screenshot but of course I checked the box)

Ah, probably, is it because of my reputation?


My Reputation tab that I hesitate to show in public.
あまり人には見せられない私のReputation tab。

y... yeah, she lvled up in dungeon finder... 
まあ・・・このキャラはdungeon finderでレベル上げたんで・・・

<つづく... be continued to next episode...>


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